"Netcominfra Pvt.Ltd is Established in Year 2011, Netcominfra Pvt.Ltd. has its corporate office at Mumbai. We provide cost effective Enterprise Solutions & Turn Key IT Infrastructure services customized for specific projects and typical requirements. Netcominfra Pvt.Ltd.'s strong, customer-focused approach and the continuous quest for achieving world-class quality have enabled us to execute many prestigious projects. At Netcominfra Pvt.Ltd., we believe that progress must be achieved in harmony with the environment. A commitment to environmental protection is an integral part of the corporatevision.

Our Vision

To be recognised as a world-class IT Infrastructure company known for its execution capabilities and commitment to customer satisfaction.

Our Mission

To provide infrastructure solutions offering unmatched business value through process excellence, timely service delivery and innovation. To empower organizations be cost effective in business operations without compromising quality. To provide clients with infrastructure technology solutions for their increasing business needs.

Business Principles

Building value, performance and leadership into Netcominfra Pvt.Ltd. personnel where responsibility, respect and determination are the key essentials. Assuming responsibility, and acting with respect and determination makes it possible to nurture our technology leadership, our pioneering spirit and our ability to be "at home" everywhere. This is our legacy, and our future. The key to success lies in how well all of us understand and apply the business principles: demonstrating personal, professional and corporate responsibility; showing respect for the views and needs of others; and applying our shared determination to achieve compliance and follow business ethics. At Netcominfra Pvt.Ltd.
we strive to be competitive because our success and that of all our partners depend on it. We are determined to meet high moral and ethical standards in performing our work at every level of our organization and in every location where we operate. We want to achieve success built on the principles of responsibility, respect and determination. We trust our employees to conduct business with integrity and in full compliance with regulations, local laws and our own corporate policies. Customers, suppliers, shareholders and employees of Netcominfra Pvt.Ltd. have a right to expect that we conduct our business in a proper and professional manner.